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ESA Combustion ProductsESA Products

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Burner Controls | Package Burners | Medium Velocity Burners | High Velocity Burners | Limiting Orifice Valves

ESA has been supplying complete solutions for industrial combustion since the 1970s. Headquartered in Curno (Bergamo), Italy, ESA manufactures a broad range of burners (more than 40 different families), offering a wide array of capacities and incorporating a bevy of technologies, including: high velocity; recuperative; regenerative; flat flame; multi-fuel; premix; ribbon; radiant tube; packaged; and more.

Like many burner manufacturers in Europe, ESA has been aggressively developing products over the last decade to help plants realize higher efficiency, greater fuel savings, and lower emissions without losing their competitive edge. Unlike some of ESA’s competitors, their burner catalog offers high-efficiency models with capacities exceeding 1MM BTU/hr. In addition, these burners display a smaller physical footprint than similar burners on the market, making them ideal candidates for retrofits and smaller furnace designs.

ESA is far more than a burner manufacturer, though their product range and innovation is notable. ESA is a solution provider first and foremost. Deep experience in industries such as aluminum, copper, ceramics, cremation, food processing, galvanizing, and others, allows ESA to propose proven solutions with confidence.

ESA is also well known as a supplier of custom solutions and equipment, often creating special burners for specific applications. Whether your need could be considered standard or a little bit unique, ESA is always willing to consider a proposal — all they need are the application details and drawings.

Aside from offering a wide range of robust, reliable burners, ESA manufactures an impressive array of combustion controls and flame safety equipment. Typically, 80-90% of the equipment in an ESA solution bears the ESA logo. This can be a tremendous advantage for a number of reasons; in many cases, the equipment has been designed to work together, and you have only to look in one place for spares.

Olsträd and Combustion 911 are proud to be the exclusive representatives for ESA in the USA, and non-exclusive representatives for Canada and Mexico. Please contact us for any of the fine products below, or to start the conversation concerning your next combustion system.

Burner Controls

Package Burners

Medium Velocity Burners

Medium Velocity Radiant Tube Burners

High Velocity Burners

High Velocity Radiant Tube Self Recuperative Burners

Flat Flame Burners

High Velocity Self Recuperative Flat Flame Burners

Ribbon Burners

Limiting Orifice Valves

Ignition Transformers


Combustion 911

600 Mogadore Rd. Kent, OH 44240

Phone 330-678-3683


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ESA Industrial Burners IHEA Member Elektrogas Valves and Regulators

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